Monday, May 13, 2013

Where to go for more info

Annotated bibliography
·         Found this on 4/12/13, published by Karsten Moran
·         This helped me find more information on what happened in Newtown, Connecticut and it also had much more information on what is being done with gun control.
·         This source is better than others because its information is factual and I know that because I already knew some things about this from the news and the information is non- biased.
·         Found this on 4/12/13, published July 20, 2012 by Rong-Gong Lin II
·         This had information on everything that happened that night of the shooting at the Dark Night Rises premiere and the man who was behind it.
·         This source has precise information and it is better than others because it provides interviews and quotes of witnesses of the shooting.
·         found 4/15/13, Wikipedia 2011
·         the website has information on the U.S rep Gabrielle Gifford and eighteen others who were shot during a constituent meeting and information on the suspect of the murder.
·         The source is better than other because it has a lot of information and when I looked over it, I learned some things about the shooting that I didn’t know before.

·         found 4/15/13, Jared Lee Loughner, James homes, Adam Lanza
·         these are links to pictures of the shooter in Newtown, Connecticut, Dark Night Rises premiere and the shooting against U.S representative Gabrielle Gifford.
·         The sources just show a picture of the 3 murderers

·         All these sources were very helpful to me, it helps me show that something should be done about gun control because we don’t want to lose any more people. These sources can help me build an argument that shows why guns should be controlled. I used to think gun control wasn’t such a big deal but now that I’ve seen what has happened these past years because of guns, I believe something should d be done.

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